By Published On: 4th May, 2022Categories: Other prophetic voices, Prophetic0 Comments on Let prophesy resoundTags: , , , , 406 words2 min read

(A small part of prophesy of Nate Johnston, beginning 2022).

This is a year for the BRIDE to SPEAK UP! This will be a year that you rise above the storm and become the storm. This will be a year of breaking out of confinement, limitations, and see the end of the gag order. This is a year to prophesy, worship, and be voices of truth! All the painful process you have been through hasn’t been wasted – watch as God places a strong conviction and anointing upon you to speak the heart of God into this time of history.
Voices of truth need to arise! We must prophesy!
I prophesy – You have been anointed to demolish strongholds with your words and evict principalities!
I prophesy – This will be a year that the church shines like never before.
I prophesy – This will be a year of the resurgence of the Davidic worshippers and the releasing of songs of revival that have been held back in the last two years.
I prophesy – This will be a year where our sound will shake cities and nations and the earth will know we are here, and the king of kings is with us. (add: IN US)
I prophesy – This will be a year of the fresh utterance as fresh coals are placed on our tongues by the Lord.
I prophesy – This will be a year of the power and glory returning to the church in a way we have not seen!
I prophesy – this will be a year of righteous and bold lions being released into contentious situations on the earth. I prophesy – this is a year that changes the very trajectory of history as we know it.

I prophesy and declare to the West Coast, to the East Coast, to the North Coast and to the South Coast of Tasmania: “AWAKE AND RISE UP in the Power, Might and Authority of the mature sons of God, heirs to the Kingdom of God. Have you forgotten who you are? Too long we have been silent. It is time: ”Say to the dry bones ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life”. And we will see people rising up as an army and take up their positions and then stand. Hold their ground not be tossed around anymore.

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