Avada Festival
Avada Festival

May 2022

30 05, 2022


By |2022-05-30T10:51:22+10:0030th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

In English, the word ‘peace’ conjures up a passive picture, one showing an absence of civil disturbance or hostilities, or a personality free from internal and external strife. The biblical concept of peace is larger than that, and rests heavily on the Hebrew root ‘slm’, which means ‘to be complete’ [...]

30 05, 2022


By |2022-05-30T10:35:13+10:0030th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

His story starts in 1 Samuel 20:12-17 where we read that David and Jonathon (son of King Saul) entered into a covenant with each other so that whoever survived would preserve the other and his family. This covenant was not a simple agreement and a shaking of hands, but as [...]

30 05, 2022


By |2022-05-30T10:24:02+10:0030th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

How does an infinite God fit into a finite universe? Traditional Jewish theology explains that God created an abstract of Himself which could be projected into a finite form. This ‘abstraction’ in Aramaic is called the Memra, which literally means ‘word’. A paraphrase of Genesis 1:1-3 from an Aramaic Targum [...]

30 05, 2022


By |2022-05-30T10:19:22+10:0030th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

The 14th chapter of Genesis describes a most interesting tale, which gives us many insights into the nature of our Saviour. It starts with the capture of part of Abram’s family (and others) by rogue powers. Using only those of his own household, Abram defeats the rogues and sets the [...]

28 05, 2022


By |2022-05-28T10:48:03+10:0028th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

Marriage was designed to be an agape (unselfish) love. The attitude should be to give more than to take without any hidden agenda. If both partners live by this agape (unselfish) love then they are complementing and completing one another. Marriage is a portrait of mutual yielding toward one another. [...]

28 05, 2022


By |2022-05-28T10:34:52+10:0028th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

From our discussion of the scriptures we know that our English Bibles may have some variations regarding how certain words or passages are understood. One such issue is that in English we use the word ‘love’, whereas in the original Hebrew and Greek there are various words which are used [...]

28 05, 2022

Know Thyself

By |2022-05-28T10:25:13+10:0028th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

'Know Thyself' in ancient Greek gnōthi seauton, or if you prefer Latin, nosce te ipsum. This was reportedly the first of 3 maxims posted over the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi, an ancient Greek temple. Around 400 BC the Greek philosopher Plato, in several treatises, recounts that Socrates was [...]

28 05, 2022


By |2022-05-28T10:18:47+10:0028th May, 2022|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

Google describes 'justice' as just behaviour or treatment, the quality of being fair and reasonable. The question arises, “What is fair, reasonable, or just?” What is our world view? Where is our benchmark? These questions will depend on your ‘ism’, whether you are a believer of humanism, Darwinism, relativism, communism, [...]

26 05, 2022

Eagle story

By |2023-09-13T11:11:16+10:0026th May, 2022|Categories: Francois Du Toit av|Tags: , , |0 Comments

  From Francois and Lydia Du Toit During our honeymoon in January, 1979, in the Blyderiver Canyons in Mpumalanga, South Africa, Lydia and I met a nature conservation officer who told us of a fascinating incident when they released a Black Eagle just the previous week; this bird, with a [...]

23 05, 2022

Your unique design.

By |2022-05-23T17:07:16+10:0023rd May, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The most detailed model of a human cell to date, obtained using x-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryoelectron microscopy datasets. The world inside us. This is only a small part of a single cell. Human somatic cells contain ~80 to ~2000 mitochondria, and we only see a fraction of one [...]

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