By Published On: 29th November, 2022Categories: Appointed Times0 Comments on Appointed Times 2. Pentecost679 words3.4 min read

Pentecost or Shavuot

The next appointed time on the Jewish calendar was the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) (Leviticus 15:22, Deut. 16:9-10), which fell in late spring, on the fiftieth day (or a full seven weeks) after the feast of firstfruits. The feast of weeks involved offering the first loaves of bread made from the wheat harvest to the Lord.  On this day, later Israelites also read from the book of Ruth and the Psalms.


In our traditional Christian understanding each of these appointed times were to recognise different aspects of God’s work of salvation through Jesus the Christ. For instance, we celebrate Passover as Good Friday.  Jesus, our Passover lamb, rode into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey and was hailed as King of the Jews on the 10th day of Nisan. Taught openly in the temple and synagogues until the 14th day and no fault was found in Him.  At the appointed time was delivered and publicly killed on a Roman execution stake as the passover lambs were being slaughtered.  In our understanding we might add:  Jesus brought full redemption for all mankind. The devil’s work was destroyed (I John 3:9b).  As the people of Israel had been set free from their captivity in Egypt, so too we were set free – set free from the work of Satan – the Lie of unworthiness.  Free from our captivity to the sin of unbelief.  Not believing who we are as part of divinity.  Fully adopted as adult sons and heirs into the new covenant of His blood. 

Followed by Easter: Jesus was raised from the dead after 3 days-Resurrection Sunday. The first fruit of the Resurrection 1 Cor. 15:20 says it perfectly: “But now Christ has risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (NKJV).  And showed himself to the disciples and to another 500 people over the period of 40 days before ascending into heaven. In our understanding when Jesus rose from the grave he presented himself as the first fruit of the Resurrection to the Father in Heaven (see the Nugget on Aaron’s staff – Almond tree) and then to all the others.  We are partakers in the Resurrection of the Christ. Christ being the first born/first fruit from the dead. We are co-raised with Him, yet still awaiting our physical resurrection as part of the general resurrection of the dead. Even in the Old Testament we can read in Hosea 6:2 (NKJV) “After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in his sight.” We are included in Christ.

Fifty days later (7 weeks) after Easter we celebrate at Pentecost the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied by Joel (2:28-29) “In these last days I will pour out My Spirit on ALL flesh“ (on ALL Humanity), including your unbelieving neighbour, who might not recognise or believe this. This is repeated in Acts 2:2-3 , when the disciples were together a mighty roaring wind  came from heaven and it filled the whole house. And tongues like flames of fire  that were divided, appeared to them and rested on each one of them. Fire started with the 120 disciples and soon thousands were added to them all filled with the Holy Spirit. The anointing oil was flowing as a result of the first fruit harvest, with the second harvest (final ingathering) to follow.  (In a vision I had, at Pentecost I saw the disciples’ house (their bodies) filled with the fire of God breaking forth through their heads with a mighty roar represented as tongues of fire.) 

These Spring appointed times were all fulfilled in a consecutive manner in one year; in the life, death and resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. 

Between the Spring Appointed Times and the Fall/Autumn Appointed Times we have the season of summer.  A hot and dry time of the year.  Could we be living in this time between the Spring and Fall/Autumn appointed times in the dry place before the final shaking and final harvest will occur.

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