By Published On: 24th June, 2023Categories: Nuggets, Steve Farrar0 Comments on Perfectly United-Steve FarrarTags: , 537 words2.7 min read

“The fullness of him who fills all in all.”
Ephesians 1:23

After the prayers of Christ on your behalf claiming your total union with himself and God, do you believe that there remain two beings within yourself? Within you is there still an illusion of a person with a life story filled with loneliness, separation, pain, and struggle who lived a brief life as a body? This temporary, limited one coexists with the One who created and FILLED all things, is that what you have accepted as true? Upon what do you base such a belief?
Do you not know you are composed of boundless Spirit? The same spirit of Christ “through whom, and by whom, all things that were made were made?”
If, as Paul said in Ephesians 4:10, this same Spirit “who descended is the very one who ascended above all the heavens, in order to FILL all things,” do you think he left a space for you to be something other than himself?
What does “filled” mean? What does “fullness” mean? Does partial fullness make sense?
If you believe you have a separate identity from the Christ, these are questions you must answer.
Yet Spirit has declared, “There is ONE body, and ONE Spirit, even as you are called in ONE hope of your calling.” It is of this that Jesus, as the Christ spoke in John 17:21, “that all of them MAY BE ONE, as You, Father, are in Me, and I AM IN YOU. May they also be IN Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” If God is in us, is he in us partially? Or if we are in him, are we just a fragment? Or do we fill EACH OTHER IN GLORY, both essential to one another’s TOTALITY?
Oneness has no division, nor sense of separate Being. There is no me – him. It is for this that the Christ came. He did not come to be crucified or even to be resurrected. These things he did, yes, but do you know his purpose? That all would be ONE in him.
God’s Glory fills our awareness when we understand what he meant when he said, “I have given them the glory You gave Me, so THAT THEY MAY BE ONE AS WE ARE ONE — I IN THEM and You in Me—that they may be PERFECTLY UNITED, so that the world may know that You sent Me and have loved them just as You have loved Me.”
In such ONENESS there is no separation, no light and dark, no divisions. There is no duality, only PERFECT UNITY.
The consummate misapprehension of Christian thought over the centuries is its refusal to believe in the complete unity of Spirithood within human consciousness. It has insisted on keeping the separated human self alive within mankind’s awareness. Yet the Father has said over and over that there is One Son in whom he is well pleased, and it is his pleasure to reveal that Son as the sole Identity of all men.

Only CHRIST IS ALIVE. Your sense of separate self is a denial of the true fullness of Christ in every atom and every thought of your Being.

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