Performers stand at the street corners shouting their knowledge, stats, and accolades.
They will lure you in with a word that will momentarily Band-Aid your pain and then empty your pockets.
They know the verbiage to draw in the masses but give you nothing.
They are brokers of nothingness except a show, a spectacle, and ruse.
They have long lost the glory and their lamps are long burned out of oil.
Their eyes tell you the sad tale of their impoverished soul and their fall from the table of lovers.
No longer seeking his face, they have given their lives to a persona that keeps their ego stroked and their wounded hearts out of Holy Spirit reach.
Once the set apart they are now paid actors, mimes, reciters of clever lines, and characters of a play.
But then the Lord said “ I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind” (1 Samuel 2:35)
For it is time for the priesthood to be restored to the bride. We are tired of actors and career Christians. We need those who give their lives as an offering.
And priests are rising up right now in droves to set the bar for those who have forgotten the way.
They are restoring the fallen altars and lighting the fire once again.
They are burning the idols of greasy fast food church, and removing her Hollywood glasses.
They are bringing conviction to the worshippers who have traded their anointing for fame.
And they are leading the church to her knees so she can leave behind every diversion and distraction and BEHOLD THE LAMB once again.