This brings me to the next: “What do prophets do”.
In very short I like to address this as follows.
Speaking out encouraging words for the individual person in a church setting?
Calling out people to work harder in the church?
Or is it the life of the prophet; what he/she says, preach or does is grounded in their DNA because they are appointed by God to be a prophet. They can’t help themselves, they can’t do anything else as to be a prophet (as any other ministry gift).
Some might not even know that they are a prophet. Till someone explains to them what the office of a prophet is and what it entails. They are recognised by the people as a prophet and they realise themselves that they are a prophet.
Most prophets are most of the time leaders in their church and together with the apostolic leader form an alliance for the direction of the church. To fulfil God’s blue print for the church. Or to be a pain in the butt according to some of the pastors.
This gifting is sometimes confronting to the pastor of the church, who does not always wants to be given a different direction opportunity. Even if a rebuke or direction is given it has to be done out of Love which holds it all together as God is Love and therefore we are acting out of love for the people in our community, people in church etc.
If God direct direction and encouragement for the individual can still be an important part of their office, also to recognise others as potential prophets and encourage them in their gifting/office.
The office of prophet is also for people outside the church, in the market place, in their work environment. Having words of knowledge or speaking into being what was not as though it was. We often relate this to church life and church services.
Again Agape (LOVE) is God’s only agenda.