By Published On: 1st June, 2022Categories: Marijke Schurer0 Comments on Resurrection Prophecy265 words1.3 min read

A Word uttered by our Prophet

The church will walk in victory as it aligns itself with God, inseparably linked to God, flowing together as one stream, a merging, a fusion of thought, its mind transformed and walking in its true identity.

 From the pulpits will be proclaimed and demonstrated:  liberty to the captives, health, love, peace and well being.  The gospel (good news) is the message of the already accomplished, completed work of Jesus Christ on our behalf, nothing more to be added. This freedom will overflow through and into the community. This is what it means in Romans 8:19,21, “ For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” (NASB)

Creation is waiting, all men are waiting for the church to rise up in the power of the resurrection. A complete new body (church) transformed, cleansed in their thought pattern, walking in their redeemed innocence, set free to present to humanity a risen king without limitations and who rules over the earth.

In Acts we saw this happen in the early church, over the centuries the church has walked away from their mandate and gave themselves over to the thought patterns they were set free from.

It’s time for the church to take their position again. This will turn creation and our communities upside down. Dominion over our own earth (our body) and our surrounding earth (environment) will again be exercised.

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