You are probably all aware of what is happening in the world, especially in Israel. You might wonder why did the prophets not speak up beforehand, or did they not see it coming.
I struggled with the same. Yes, many prophesies went out years before, but we did not connect the dots. God’s timing is always the right timing and often we get a word or a picture but do not know when this is going to occur, tomorrow or next year or in 10 years from now.
But we see the time drawing closer of Jesus return. AND COMING BACK – HE WILL.
The Hebraic calendar goes in cycles of 7 years with the last year of the cycle a sabbatical year (Shemitah year). The year 7 Sept 2021 to 25 Sept 2022 was the last sabbatical (Shemitah) year. You might think, why 2021/2022? We are looking from the Jewish calendar which starts, in modern times, in Sept of the year till the following Sept. .The Jewish year starts at Rosh Hashanah (head of the year) in modern Israel. This is NOT the year, initiated by God, starting on the first of Nissan as per Exodus 12. The next sabbatical year will be Sept.2028-Sept.2029.
Are we doomsday people, are we declaring Christ’s return? NO and YES. Lets have a look at the things which are happening right now:
-15 Sept. 2022: 5 red heifers sent to Israel. The ashes of a red heifer are to be used in the purification and dedication of not only the new temple, but also the priests and all of the utensils as per Numbers 19.
-22 Nov 2022 A plot of land on Mt of Olives is acquired for the burning of the red heifers. By the end of 2023 into 2024 the examination and testings of the red heifers, for purity, is expiring.
-Vision/picture I received 10/10/2022: Rising of a ‘man of lawlessness’, followed by darkness.
-Rebuilding of the 3rd temple. All utensils are gathered, all stones are ready for the rebuilding. The priesthood is ready.
During recent weeks there has been many strange weather occurrences around the globe. All over the earth, in areas where we would normally not find these issues, such as hailstones as big as a human hand, tsunamis, floodings, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tremendous strong winds. Is the end approaching fast?
What we believe is that the ‘man of lawlessness’ is already on the earth. The ‘last 7 years’ (the time of the tribulation) has begun.
The war which flared up on Sat 7/10/2023 with the invasion by Hamas on Southern Israel. Israel will be condemned by the majority of countries all over the world. We see already pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic protests rising around the world. Countries will come against Israel. But at the same time Israel, as a nation who was divided before the Hamas invasion, has united again. Is all Israel, Israel? Probably not. Has God a plan for Israel? He surely has. Romans 11:11-12, “I ask, then, have they stumbled in order to fall? Absolutely not! On the contrary, by their stumbling,salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous. Now if their stumbling brings riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full number bring!”
Where there is darkness, light shines even brighter. Where non-belief exists, awakening will happen. We pray for the eyes of the people to be enlightened (awakened) to the truth of the gospel of God. The GOOD NEWS, the news that they are made in the image and likeness of God and through his love we are made one with Him. (John 14:20 “In that day you will know that I am in My father, you are in Me and I am in you” HCSB.) So don’t be as the five foolish virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to come but did not have enough oil in their lamps; they run out. Be like the 5 virgins who had plenty of oil and were well prepared for the coming bridegroom.