By Published On: 28th June, 2024Categories: Ecology0 Comments on Ecology and Humanity 1509 words2.5 min read

Ecology is the study of the relationships of living organisms, including humans, and how they interact with the environment around them. According to scripture in Genesis 2:15, “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it”.  This then reinforces that all creation belongs to God, and we are to be accountable as stewards of His creation according to His wishes (Lev 25:2-12). Another translation has translated the phrase “to tend and keep it” as “to cultivate and guard it” (Good News Bible Anglicised), which makes humanity also environmentally responsible for the wellbeing of the planet.  This is what God wanted for Adam (and Eve), to partake of His creation, or should I say creativity.  What was Adam to guard the Garden against?  In Genesis chapter 3 we find satan at the tree of ‘the knowledge of good and evil’ that was in the middle of Eden. It seems that Adam failed to guard the garden, allowing satan to enter and tempt Eve.  Since the fall, humanity has struggled with the  outcome of our actions on the ecological plane as a result (Gen.3:16-19).

The specifics overwhelm the generalities.  Rural peoples in ancient Palestine who were guided by God’s laws, lived intimately in the ecologies of their times. Ecology is about our relationship with nature.  If humanity has coped for millennia, are there scriptural insights to which we ‘moderns’ can turn? “Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe [these commandments] diligently, so that it may go well with you, and so that you may multiply greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you” (Deut. 5:33; 6:3).  God never cancelled the command/challenge to tend to His creation, nor to stop guarding it.  But today’s understanding of tending the garden is to come with a different perspective due to the difference in geopolitical and socio-economic aspects.

There is the question of who is in charge, who has authority? Is our authority God given or have the world leaders usurped this authority? The issue that is surfacing is the following: how are we to cultivate our world/garden. There is no long-term profit in ruining and destroying our habitat for the instant profit of a few greedy men.  The challenge is there for all to look after this world in a positive way, without wantonly destroying plants or animals. God wants us to live and enjoy Creation in its totality. This includes the consequences that flow as a result of our actions in regards to creation, which includes the results of our actions as listed in Genesis 3:17-19. No matter what our efforts are, the   world is winding down slowly but surely. And this includes the perceived problems connected with global warming, climate change, etc. However, all of this does not dismiss the responsibility for mankind to use creation in a responsible way, without abusing His creation.

So, what should we consider to guard against today, and how can we address the issues? 

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