Avada Festival
Avada Festival

Pier Schurer

About Pier Schurer

Married for over 40 years to Marijke, has lived in Tasmania since 2005. Has a variety of skills from carpentry to truck driving. Co-founder of Resurrection Word Ministry and ordained pastor with SCAC.
3 08, 2024

God’s Will For You

By |2024-08-03T09:34:02+10:003rd August, 2024|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

Matthew 22:35–40, “And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.  “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”  [...]

11 07, 2024

Ecology and Humanity 3

By |2024-07-11T09:17:41+10:0011th July, 2024|Categories: Ecology|0 Comments

Recycling  Recycling involves processing existing and used matter into new products to avoid wasting raw materials.  Common recyclables include paper, glass, plastic, and metal and are brought to recycling centres, sorted, cleaned and reprocessed into new materials. Pro-recyclers claim the benefits of saved energy and trees, cleaner air and [...]

4 07, 2024

Ecology and Humanity 2

By |2024-07-04T10:30:34+10:004th July, 2024|Categories: Ecology|0 Comments

Pollution   The biggest form of pollution is the pollution of our minds. Or maybe I should say  believing the rubbish and the LIE that satan has planted in our minds. The LIE that God is a liar and that we are not like God.  The lie to Eve and [...]

28 06, 2024

Ecology and Humanity 1

By |2024-06-28T09:45:53+10:0028th June, 2024|Categories: Ecology|0 Comments

Ecology is the study of the relationships of living organisms, including humans, and how they interact with the environment around them. According to scripture in Genesis 2:15, “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it”.  This then [...]

23 05, 2024

It’s Our Fault!

By |2024-05-23T09:36:00+10:0023rd May, 2024|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

‘Religion’ has often been accused of being the evil that causes war and famine and greed.  And just as often Christianity is appointed as the main culprit.  We can cite the Catholic/Protestant troubles of Ireland, the Crusades, the Pogroms against the Jews, the Spanish Inquisition, and many many more.  [...]

29 09, 2023


By |2023-09-29T16:08:27+10:0029th September, 2023|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

When we as christians read the word ‘judgement’, we usually have a preconceived connection with penalties, as the word has come to automatically imply a negative result.  However, judgement in the Greek = Cresus, is an opinion or decision concerning everything (can be either for or against).  Second word [...]

26 05, 2023

Evangelism – part 2

By |2023-05-26T10:22:30+10:0026th May, 2023|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

The traditional style of evangelism declares that we are all ‘filthy sinners’ and are bound for hell unless we repent. This is what you would call a real judgemental style of evangelism - the 'Fire and Brimstone' message. This is in stark contrast to the real truth of evangelism, [...]

19 05, 2023

Evangelism – part 1

By |2023-05-19T13:56:27+10:0019th May, 2023|Categories: Nuggets|0 Comments

Evangelism is defined as the sharing of good news (gospel).  For Christianity, that ‘good news’ concerns the restoration/presentation of our identity in God, and of His in-dwelling presence in all of humanity through Christ Jesus.  The purpose of evangelism is to awaken men, women, and children to their position [...]

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