“Australia!” I heard the Lord say.
“I am right now, readying My wild horses for battle. I’m getting My mighty Down Under army ready. The call has gone out and the call is clear—get ready Church for your commissioning for this next hour. I am calling the nameless to rise up and the hidden to emerge. I am calling forth the fallen and calling forth those in slumber.
“There is a convergence taking place right now of streams, parts of the Body, offices, and mission fields for the harvest that is around the corner. There is a unifying taking place of movements and companies, generals and leaders, that have all been separated but banners and brands are falling to the ground so that the family can come together.
“There is a mustering call that has gone out over the land for the Bride to come together as one voice, to cry out restoration and victory over the land, and this cry is going to shake the very foundations of this nation.
“And watch how in the days to come, an alliance shall form—a greater alliance—and tables shall be set for all of the islands and the nations of the Great Southland, from New Zealand to all the Islands. For I am drawing the generals of all tribes and all tongues, all streams, and all backgrounds together to be one voice to decree the breaking of apathy, and to decree that the Kingdom of God has now come once again.
“As this cry goes out, watch as areas that have been in compromise begin to be shaken, for I am restoring My nation back to righteousness. I’m restoring My nation, but it’s going to come as the people of God come together as one voice, as they begin to decree and cry out over the land of Australia. And I will reveal My glory once again in this land and I will honor what I spoke over this nation, that it would be the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, and it would be a birthing place of revival to the nations.
“For right now, I’m brooding. I’m brooding over the hearts of My people and over her leaders, and I’m calling them into a different spirit. I’m calling them out of the murkiness of religion and the complacency of compromise, and I’m bringing them into a fiery communion with Me and from that place shall come forth a mighty, mighty sound that the world will hear once again.
“Oh, Australia did I not establish you as a pioneer nation of worship? Did I not give you a song that was loud and clear, that would be heard around the world and echo in eternity? But where is your song now? Who stole your cry?
“For I gave you a melody to break your bonds free from the victim spirit that came in your infancy. I gave you a victory cry to counteract Satan’s plan in keeping you silenced and muzzled. But where is that melody now? I am right now stirring up your song, and the world will once more hear the sound of wild horses’ feet charging in the dust and the undignified cry of the David’s filling the streets.
“There is a great humbling and repentance beginning to sweep the land as hard hearts and the blinded are having their veils removed and their hearts are being softened once again. Now see, as I use the kings of this world and soften their hearts also. For did I not say that I would use a Nebuchadnezzar if I had to, to restore this nation? For the Daniel’s are rising and the Pharaohs are searching them out.
“And In the midst of great shaking, political unrest and pressing shall come forth this mighty sound—a sound of hooves in the red dust. The sound of a people rising up in song to see this land step into its promise.
“Embers are going to appear throughout the land overnight as a sign of my promise. And I will fan them into wildfires throughout the nation.
“People will come from far and wide to taste of what I will pour out over this land. And it will will be said “Pressing and adversity birthed this” and i have used adversity to remind my people of who they are again.
“Yes, it’s time Australia!
“ANZACS assemble! Islands assemble!
The muster is here.
Call them forth.
Put on your boots and ready your heart island nations.
Shake off the slumber.
It’s time!”
“Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations: Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name.
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.
He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.” Isaiah 49:1-3