By Published On: 3rd September, 2022Categories: Marijke Schurer, Prophetic0 Comments on 24 August 2022 CALLED OUT341 words1.7 min read

I have called many people, but few take up the mantle to sit with ME and HEAR ME.                                                        I have called out many people.  I have called them by Name.                                                                                                They carry MY NAME and follow in my footsteps of faith and truth.                                                                                Faithful to Me and Truthful to the Gospel (Emphasis on “Called out).                                                                                   I have called My Bride into action.                                                                                                                                                  My Bride, the people who HEAR.                                                                                                                                                    You might ask:  called to action for what.

I have called you out of the mediocre lifestyle, into a new and exciting life.                                                                       Excited by My word, excited by My voice. I have not changed. I have loved you with an everlasting love.                     I want you to know that I love all people. All people are precious to Me, but a few have made this excitement their own and enjoy to be enveloped by My love.                                                                                                                                     A few people choose to reap the benefits of this and experience a life full of exciting love and blessings.

Be aware of what is happening with the weather. Patters of the weather has not changed it only has intensified as other things around the world intensify. You will experience this intensification as inconvenience for you at times. But don’t underestimate My purpose in the weather changes/intensification.

A great awakening has begun. You will hear of people all over the world turning to Me and at the same time people getting ready for some serious confrontations with the opposing side. The opposing side who want to stop them from following Me. But they will hear My voice going forth and nothing will stop them from following Me. My plans are greater nothing is able to stop them.

The rain is falling in abundance. Not only to water the earth, as in spring so everything will grow again, but more than that. Showers of blessing, My abundance in blessings. My abundance; so My river will flow not only ankle deep, not only knee deep, but higher than that; waist deep.  For the healing of the nations.

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