By Published On: 3rd May, 2022Categories: Baptism0 Comments on Baptism 02265 words1.3 min read

Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Obviously part of the ‘Great Commission’ from Jesus, but how should we interpret this command?

The traditional interpretation is to douse or dunk a believer in water and proclaim their ‘acceptance’ into the doctrinal understanding of our form of denominational Christianity, and by pronouncing the magic words ‘in the name of’. However, if we consider the true understanding of the word baptize as being immerse, then the verse becomes ‘immersing them in the name . . . ‘. This is no longer speaking of a water ritual, but rather the full infusion of those who believe in their inclusion in the fullness of God.

Even the term ‘in the name of’, though the common translation in our English Bibles, has alternatively been understood to be ‘to the name of’, specifically in the Young’s Literal. Is there a difference between ‘in’ and ‘to’, or can we more accurately render it as both, as ‘into’?
Paul, in Romans 8:15, 23 and 9:4, Galatians 4:5 and Ephesians 1:5, speaks of our ‘adoption’ into the family of our Heavenly Father, where we have become true sons (and daughters) of the godhead. We are recognised as co-inheritors of creation in (as a part of), and with, the Christ Jesus, who Himself is God.

Therefore, we can interpret the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:19 as, “fully immersing (infusing) everyone into the fullness of their power and authority within the Godness”. Anything else we make of this verse is merely traditional religious rhetoric.

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