By Published On: 4th May, 2022Categories: Nuggets0 Comments on Ambassadorship611 words3.1 min read

2 Cor 5:20-6:1 “5:20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 6:1 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.”

The World’s View
Definition: An official representative of a sovereign or state (Websters Third International Dictionary). Unpacking this definition we observe the following:
It is an official position; that is, you must be appointed by the power you represent.
It is a representative position; the interest of the appointing power is the only focus of the representative, and the recipient of the representative is to receive the ambassador as if the sender.
Acts in, and with, the power of the sovereign or state which is being represented.
Who is appointed?
An ambassador must be someone who can be trusted to put the interests of the sending power above all else.
They must know the interests of their sender.
Traditionally, a prince of the sovereign, or a High Official of proven ability, have been appointed as ambassadors.
What are the duties of an ambassador?
Provide information about the sender.
Present a favourable report of the sender.
Present the recipient with the offers of the sender.
Conduct themselves so not to bring reproach on the sender.
Report regularly to the sender and seek further instructions.
Assist home citizens whilst in the foreign country.
What are some of the rules regarding the Diplomatic Community?
As the ambassador is to be received as if the sovereign, the property allocated for the office of the ambassador (embassy) is to be regarded as the property of the sending sovereign or state.
If an offence is committed against the ambassador, it is regarded as an offence against the sovereign or state that sent him.
The ambassador is to always conduct himself in accordance with the rules of his sender.
The language, culture and currency of the sending state is to be adhered to within the embassy.

As Ambassadors for Christ (Our Spiritual existence)
We enjoy all of the above privileges and responsibilities.
Our embassy is our body, the dwelling of God in this physical realm.
We are citizens and princes of the Kingdom of Heaven, co-ruling with the King of kings.
We are sent by Him with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit to perform our Father’s will into the realm of the hurting and confused.
We are sent into previously held enemy territory to herald the good news of the release of those previously held imprisoned.
We are tasked to assist with their healing (spiritual, mental & physical).
We are tasked with helping them to become reconciled within themselves that their enforced exile and enslavement is over. The enemy has been defeated!
But above all else, our primary duty is to fully represent the nature of our Father – LOVE.

Our responsibilities include:
Pay proper homage to the true King: Worship.
Maintain proper communication with the King: Prayer.
Know our authority, power and instructions: Bible study.
Maintain the high standards which will not bring reproach against the King: Holiness.
Do the will of the King: Obedience
Enlighten, train and encourage those reconciled: Disciple.
Know that your rewards are at home: Hope.
And always remember, that as an ambassador for Christ, our spiritual enemy (though already defeated but still active) cannot have you spiritually: arrested, sued, dis-enfranchised, black-balled, guillotined, run out, charged, hung, drawn and quartered, or needle-nidle-noo (in the immortal words of The Goons)!

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