Let’s look at Jesus being like the almond tree.
Awakening to his real calling, Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and with people ( Luke 2:52, HCSB) throughout his life, which came to a climax at the 14th day of Abib or Nisan, when The Passover was celebrated, and Jesus became our Passover lamb. He was crushed, anointed with oil, he died and after 3 days rose from the dead. He presented himself as the ‘first fruit’ to the Father after the resurrection from the dead and of the dead. The fruit begins to emerge from the calyx (tomb). This shows us that Jesus did not lie when he said “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE” as in John 11. Where Jesus has a conversation with Martha concerning the resurrection of her brother Lazarus. Martha more or less said to Jesus in vs 26: “Yes I believe in the resurrection on the last day”, but Jesus put it in perspective of the NOW and not only the future. He added, “The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die—ever”.
What about us, where does this all fit in with us, if it does at all.
He promised a “harvest of the resurrection” to follow (1 Cor 15). We are partakers in the resurrection of Christ. Christ being the firstborn from the dead, and of the dead. We are co-raised with Christ in the resurrection from the dead, yet still await our physical resurrection as part of the general resurrection of the dead. 6-8 weeks after Passover we celebrate Pentecost where we have seen the flames of fire starting with the 12 disciples showing and explaining that the spirit was poured out on all flesh (Acts 2). The pouring out of his Spirit, the anointing oil, on all flesh is the result of the first fruit harvest… JESUS.
After the summer heat, in the 7th month called Tishrei, The Second Harvest time of the almonds takes place. This goes alongside the Jewish celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of In-gathering. The tree branches will be beaten so the almonds will fall down to the ground, and be collected on a sheet (Wiki how). Often in this world we feel beaten as the tree, but we will part of the end time harvest. Another aspect of the harvest is the resin from the branches and from the bark of the tree as a result of the violence rendered to the tree. This is collected with a sharp knife and has a jelly-like consistency which hardens with exposure to air. This gum-like resin has various medicinal, nutritional and aromatic qualities (www.astrogle.com). Let us be like the almond tree, and awake to the truth of the real gospel, for the second harvest is here.
Our true identity: oneness with the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
As Francois du Toit says so well in the Mirror Bible:
John 14:20, “In that day you will know that we are in seamless union with one another! I am in my Father, you are in me and I am in you!
Jesus the Messiah is introduced to us as Lord and as Son; also as the Word face to face with God from before time was – then Jesus introduces us to God as Father – he says, “I and the Father are one!” And, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father!” The beauty about this oneness is that the one does not dissolve into the other; neither the union nor the individual self are compromised. Then, of course, the precious Holy Spirit is in the middle of this Divine mix with us all wrapped up in them! John 16:7 Jesus says my departure is not to disadvantage you; everything that is about to happen, brings conclusion and brings together what the prophets pointed to! This will be to your absolute advantage! If I do not go away, your Companion cannot come to you, but if I go I will send to you One to be face to face with you defining your very being. (Parakletos, from para and kaleo; redefining our original being in the closest possible association and kindred companionship; closer to you than your breath! Again the word pros, face to face, is used!”